Tema for konkurransen er: Ung i dag
Being a Woman Today
Teenage girls today are expecting to look a certain way by society, the pressure to be perfect. This stars in a very young age, when the girls are just teenagers. They get the pressure to be skinny- but curvy, tan- but not orange, beautiful natural make up- but not end up looking like a clown. Furthermore, girls are not just expecting to be thin, they have to be curves that is after what man wants. We have to have the right size of beast, being 100Ibs and have round hips, this is not an easy combination to make, even if this is just one of the things that are put on us. So girls do anything to be perfect. Buying the right brands, push- up bras to create cleavage, which can lead to getting breast implant when they are alder. Our culture are putting songs up like «Anaconda», «Baby got Back» and many other songs that are telling girls that they need to have big butts to be attractive for men. However, trying to achieve the perfect body that we get from culture is hard enough. On the other hand, being a woman today is not easy, young girls today are growing up faster then before and is not good enough to just be smart. We have to be good at everything and still look young, beautiful and fresh without it ending up overkill. Since a very young age girl starts to experiment with make up and in the beginning that is exciting, but not when that exciting becomes a chore. The make up industry manipulating the young girls to think that they need make up to look pretty. They are told that if your lashes are not long enough the boys will not like you, or it doesn’t matter if you stab your black pencil in your eye ball, because your eye will look perfect with that black line under your lashes. It all starts with a bit of mascara, which soon leads to be a session that will take you about 30 minutes or more before you can leave the house. Todays generation of girls are gown up with Internet and we have social media as a natural part of your daily life. On this platform we see girls showing us their perfect life. Every day we achieve pictures of beautiful, young and perfect women, the models. And even if we know that they gets fix in Photoshop before they are perfect enough for the cover, we still look up to them and are trying to achieve to have their perfect body the is not even real. So why do we still trying to achieve this goal, even if we know that is impossible? We know that perfect do not excised. In this project I´m going to take six different self portraits on the theme of being a woman today and what kind of trends that are put on us. I will use natural light and a white backdrop that are fabric to get a bit more texture. I will focus on six different topics: Flat and strong tommy, contouring (make- up), thigh gap, collarbones and hair on legs and under arms that are usually seen as a more musically thing. By creating this thing in a art way, I will use things like flowers, leaves, branches, pine needles, tread, tape, puck and coins. The mode will be light and soft.
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
  • Being a Woman Today
Carpet weaver
an old lady still feeling young enough to make handmade carpet
  • Carpet weaver
  • Carpet weaver
  • Carpet weaver
I konflikt med det normale
Fredrikstadgutten Vetle Theodor Arneberg på 19 år blir nok sett på som annerledes for de rundt han; og i følge Theodor selv er han også det. Problemer under fødselen førte til at Theodors hverdag ikke ble helt slik som alle andres. Han er bundet til rullestolen livet ut, og trenger hjelp til hverdagslige ting som vi andre tar for gitt. Det at han lever livet sitt til det fulle hver dag viser at han kanskje til og med takler hverdagen bedre enn de fleste andre. Hvordan er det å være ung for en som skiller seg litt ut?
  • I konflikt med det normale
  • I år er Theodor og hans klassekamerater russ, noe som betyr innsamling av knuter i lua
  • På ut inn synges supportersangen ”For Fredrikstad” for full hals som kan høres i hele skolegården
  • Det er ikke vanskelig å legge merke til hvilken bil som tilhører Theodor. Lakkert i hans favorittfarge rød, gjør han seg klar for bilturen hjemover.
  • Bilen er skreddersydd for rullestolbrukere, med rampe, lengre setebelter og større plass.
  • : Ikledd favorittfargene rødt og hvitt under kveldens fotballkamp på Fredrikstad stadion, sammen med ledsager Ludvig (23).
  • Er det noe Theodor kan, så er det å juble ved en scoring. I ren glede er det nesten slik at han reiser seg opp fra rullestolen.
  • Det danses og synges under korøvelse, en av favoritthobbyene til Theodor
The fear of not being good enough
    Ung i dag Noen unge gir rett og slett f… i dag… mens andre er litt klokere og velger en leder, og muligens blir en politiker en dag. Andre bruker sin fritid på trening, enten det er løping, boksing eller dowhill. Mens andre drømmer om en stor karriere i dress. Noen barn liker å huske, mens andre litt mer voksne liker å utfordre seg selv med å vise litt hud mot en drøm å bli en modell
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
    • fremtiden
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    Nydelig, ung og aktiv
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