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Marius Schultz vant Lens Culture Portfolie award 2014

Photographers from over 80 countries participated in our search for The New Photographic Portrait, and our international jury found an amazingly accomplished and diverse selection.
The winning entries represent very different takes on the genre of portraiture — staged and lighted studio work, environmental portraits, conceptual, self-portraits, documentary, candid, digitally manipulated and classical analog in-camera processes.

In all, we’ve identified 31 rich and varied approaches to photographic portraiture that represent just as many different ways of looking at the world and looking at each other.

The photographers presented here hail from 17 countries, and were chosen after reviewing literally thousands of photographs sent in from around the world — each has a wonderful story to tell. Dive in and enjoy!
Marius Schultz - Amelia and Isa in the water
Amelia and Isa in the water
Marius Schultz
Bilde fra serien "first there was nothing"

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